Has sleep got the power to change your living in 2020?
Sleeping has a relation with your Mental health, Immunity, Energy and, brain that means it really matters to be perfect in your daily schedule. yeah!!
I experienced that due to the COVID-19 pandemic it’s resulted to lock down and made us locked at our houses for a long period of time. Firstly, I find it very difficult to set my schedule in it, at what time what to do kind of confusion I suffered from and I use to get sleep stroke in mid of the day that disturbed my sleep, studies, and meal plan. After some time it made me suffer from bad cold, headaches and made me less active.
Because of the variations in sleeping hours because of excessive usage of screen and junk food without working it out. I suffered from excessive sleep in a day time, lack of sleep at night sometimes, cold and headaches which automatically resulted in a lack of energy, irritation, anger, and anxiety of the past. Then finally, I decided to overcome it as early as possible and I watched the video on youtube related to sleep habits that made on reading content created by The National sleep foundation. sleep foundation organization’s article is that much benefited me in my schedule and also made me know about many new facts about sleeping.
Proper sleep boosts immune.
According to the researches, in case of lack of sleep and its shortness produces a kind of protein named cytokines, that increases the chance of infection and inflammation which leads to influenza, cold, fewer, and many more health-related problems. This protein production due to improper sleep also affects the body’s response to vaccines, which means it weakens your immune system indirectly.
And is also very dangerous to the COVID-19 patient’s because to fight with it you need a strong immune system and active response of the body to the given drug or vaccine. People who are already suffering from heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity must take proper sleep and follow the guideline of the doctor.
To the normal younger adult 7–9 hours sleep in prescribed by the sources of sleep foundation otherwise secretion of important hormones while you sleep like growth hormone, prolactin, and other thyroid-stimulating hormone can be disturbed and affect your immune directly.
Sleep strengthens your immune and makes you energetic for the whole day.
“ True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.” — William Penn
Sleep activates the brain ( thinking power).
When you sleep at night your body muscle relaxes and blood pressure also drops but during REM (rapid eye movement) at night brain becomes highly active and we see dreams according to scientific American.
proper sleep at night benefits your mind creativity power, grows new ideas because it reactivates memory and also strengthens the relationship between brain cells which sends information to the brain and helps us recall all things.
After 7–9 hours of sleep, 2 naps in a day are also needed for your perfect start once in a morning for not more than 30 minutes and once in the afternoon. After it you are at work you can take it at the lunchtime for 20 minutes to restart yourself once again.
Remember with your work, exercise is also needed for good sleep as it can avoid Melatonin which is required hormone to made you sleep at night and which also can be affected if you use more screen light devices before sleep.
“Sleep might be the most important aspect of building a great business, and having a high-performing body.”- Lewis Howes.
Sleep decides Mental health and Mood.
If you are feeling low because of lack of sleep it can influence your emotions towards people, attitude toward your day, outlook towards life, and your energy level on a big scale.
A bit disturbance in your daily schedule can affect your happiness and cause a feeling of emptiness inside your mind. This can cause a disturbance in your relationships and family also.
Proven by researchers, an insomniac person experiences a great level of depression and anxiety. Also, have great chances of 10 times of depression and 17 times of clinical anxiety to a person suffering from sleep.
People with sleep Apnea are linked with depression as in it sleep is disturbed frequently in between, which can affect brain activity and neuro-chemicals that alter the mood of a person with thinking style. There is a strong relationship between sleep and mood as is your mood is not good that will don’t let your sleep satisfaction and other side lack of sleep leads to bad or irritated mood.
“Though sleep, you disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with your soul.”- Jennifer williamson
So, you might be sleeping properly without any disturbance in your schedule related to work, meal plans, and body workout in this pandemic of 2020.
If not read my story and start following.
Guidelines to sleep happy and fast in 2020 by sleep foundation:
- Practice meditation daily.
- Think positive but not overthink of future and past.
- put your room temperature cool, that comforts.
- Avoid caffeine drinks before 6 hours of sleep.
- Noisy surroundings must be avoided.
- white-screen of devices must be avoided.
- spend time in natural light like sun and moon.
- use Aroma essential oils like lavender to avoid anxiety in depression.